Theology (Biblical Studies)
JM University Religious Education courses promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of individuals and of groups and communities. Religious Education has never been more relevant, valuable, or challenging than it is today. Religious Education gives students valuable insights into the diverse beliefs and opinions held by people today. JM University Religious Education improves spiritual growth while encouraging our students to value themselves and the communities within which they live.
JM University Theology (Biblical Studies) BA Degree Core Course Requirements
36 hours - General Education Courses (Click here to view required Gen. Ed. Requirements)
42 hours - Religious Education Courses (Click here to view required R.E. Requirements)
42 hours - Major Core Courses ( See Core Requirements Below)
BITH 300 - ACTS​
BITH 301 - Old Testament Books of Poetry​
BITH 302 - Epistles of Paul I​
BITH 310 - Divine Healing​
BITH 400 - Church Planting in the 21st Century​
BITH 401 - Systematic Theology III​
BITH 402 - General Epistles​
BITH 406 - Old Testament Major Prophets​
BITH 407 - Old Testament Minor Prophets​
BITH 409 - Biblical Preaching​
BITH 410 - Survey of Pastoral Ministry​
BITH 450 - Biblical Interpretation​​